廖嘉欣助理研究员 博士后 liaojx@ms.giec.ac.cn |
1. Ng,C.W., Liao, J.X., Lau, S.Y., So, P.S., Peprah-Manu,D. Coupled effects of elevated CO2 and biochar on microbial communities of vegetated soil. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 342, 118136.(导师一作)
2. Ng,C.W.W., Liao,J.X., &Bordoloi, S. Relationship between matric suction and leaf indices of Schefflera arboricola in biochar amended soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2022,99(999),1-12.(导师一作)
3. Ng,C.W.W., To,J.C.T., Lau, S.Y., Liao, J.X., & Bordoloi,S. Effects of elevated CO2 on hydraulic performance and carbon assimilation of Schefflera arboricola. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2022,1-15.(通讯作者)
4. Ng,C.W.W., Cai, W., So, P.S., Liao, J.X., & Lau,S.Y. Effects of biochar on shear strength of completely decomposed granite. Environmental Science and Pollution Reseach, 2022,1-7.
5. Wu,Y.J., Li,M., Zhu,F., Hartley, W., Liao, J.X., An, W.H., Xue, S.G., & Jiang, J. Variation on leaching behavior of caustic compounds in bauxite residue during dealkalization process. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,92,141-150.
6. Liao, J.X., Jiang, J., Xue,S.G., Qingyu,C., Wu, H., Manikandan, R., Hartley,w.,& Huang, L. A novel acid-producing fungus isolated from bauxite residue: the potential to reduce the alkalinity. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2018,35(10),840-847.
7. Liao,J.X., Zhang, Y.F., Cheng, Q. Y., Wu, H., Zhu.F., & Xue, S.G. Colonization of Penicillium oxalicum enhanced neutralization effects of microbial decomposition of organic matter in bauxite residue. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(2),331-342.
8. Zhu, F., Liao,J.X., Xue,S.G., Hartley,W., Zou,Q., & Wu,H. Evaluation of aggregate microstructures following natural regeneration in bauxite residue as characterized by synchrotron-based X-ray micro-computed tomography. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,573,155-163.