首席科学家陈勇      研究室主任郭华芳     客座研究员小林敬幸     中国科学院国际访问学者窪田光宏     客座青年科学家大坂侑吾     科研管理员易林姿        

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组   长 |  袁浩然  熊祖鸿  郭华芳 李军 朱冬生
组   员 |


陈  勇  顾  菁  王亚琢  单  锐  李良忠  李德念  

千英杰  吴奔腾 李  欢 杨改秀 郑  涛  小林敬幸  张  军


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| 莫逊  涂爱民  刘世杰

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研究单元 战略咨询研究      负责人:郭华芳      成   员:陈勇  唐志华  赵丹丹



    研究员 博士






2021年毕业于澳大利亚科廷大学西澳矿业学院(WA School of Mines: Minerals, Energy and Chemical Engineering, Curtin University),获采矿与冶金工程专业博士学位。2021年2月至2024年1月于科廷大学从事博士后研究,随后任科廷大学访问高级研究员(Adjunct Senior Research Fellow)。2024年1月全职回国,受聘于中国科学院广州能源研究所,任研究员。

近十年来,致力于从自然界矿物资源及人类产生的固体废弃物中提取、分离和回收关键金属、基本金属和贵金属,面向能源转型和"双碳"目标需求,研发环境友好、清洁高效的提取冶金技术和工艺。其研究工作主要以无毒/低毒性、低能耗、短流程、低"三废"排放及经济效益等为指导原则,在围绕传统无机酸湿法冶金体系的改良,以及研发下一代绿色湿法冶金新方法方面进行方法和工艺创新。其研究涉及化学、环境、矿物和冶金工程等学科领域。负责或参与了7项实验室和中试规模研发项目,资助方包括澳大利亚联邦及州政府、澳大利亚未来电池工业协作研究中心(FBI CRC)、必和必拓公司(BHP)、IGO公司等。


已累计发表SCI和EI论文24篇,其中以第一作者在Resour. Conserv. Recycl.Hydrometallurgy、Minerals Engineering等冶金和环境工程领域权威期刊发表SCI论文14篇,1篇入选ESI Top 1%高被引论文。论文总引用量大于1260(Google Scholar),H指数为13。



1. 含金属固废资源回收及处理,如电子废弃物、废旧锂离子电池、退役光伏组件等;

2. 关键金属矿物资源的提取及精炼,如锂辉石、锂云母、硫化镍矿、多金属铂族矿及其尾矿等;

3. 难处理基本金属及贵金属矿石资源提取,如黄铜矿、含铜金矿等。



1. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; An alternative amino acid leaching of base metals from waste printed circuit boards using alkaline glutamate solutions: A comparative study with glycine, Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 356, B: 129953(中科院1区TOP).

2. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Application of nanofiltration for the recovery of nickel glycinates from alkaline glycine-based solutions using polyamide membranes: A technical note, Hydrometallurgy, 2024, 228: 106368.

3. Elsayed Oraby; Huan Li; Zixian Deng; Jacques Eksteen; Selective extraction of Ni and Co from a pyrrhotite-rich flotation slime using an alkaline glycine-based leach system. Minerals Engineering ,2023, 203: 108330.

4. Elsayed Oraby; Zixian Deng; Huan Li; Jacques Eksteen; Selective extraction of nickel and cobalt from disseminated sulfide flotation cleaner tailings using alkaline glycine-ammonia leaching solutions. Minerals Engineering ,2023, 204: 108418.

5. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; G. A. Bezuidenhout; Jacques Eksteen; The Leaching of Palladium from Polymetallic Oxide Ores using Alkaline Ferricyanide Solutions, Miner. Process. Extr. Metall. Rev., 2023, https://doi.org/10.1080/08827508.2023.2243013.

6. Huan Li; Zixian Deng; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Amino acids as lixiviants for metals extraction from natural and secondary resources with emphasis on glycine: A literature review. Hydrometallurgy 2022, 216: 106008.

7. Huan Li; Elsayed A. Oraby; Jacques J. Eksteen; Development of an integrated glycine-based process for base and precious metals recovery from waste printed circuit boards, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022, 187: 106631 (中科院1区TOP).

8. Zixian Deng; Elsayed Oraby; Huan Li; Jacques Eksteen; Extraction of Copper from Chalcopyrite Using Alkaline Glycine–Ammonia Solutions, Minerals, 2022, 12 (12): 1507.

9. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Extraction of precious metals from waste printed circuit boards using cyanide-free alkaline glycine solution in the presence of an oxidant, Minerals Engineering, 2022, 181: 107501.

10. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Tanmay Mali; Extraction of Gold and Copper from Flotation Tailings Using Glycine-Ammonia Solutions in the Presence of Permanganate, Minerals, 2022, 12(5): 612.

11. Hui Guo, Ge Kuang, Huan Li, W Pei, H Wang; Enhanced lithium leaching from lepidolite in continuous tubular reactor using H2SO4+ H2SiF6 as lixiviant, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2021, 31 (7): 2165-2173.

12. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Cyanide consumption minimisation and concomitant toxic effluent minimisation during precious metals extraction from waste printed circuit boards, Waste Management, 2021, 125: 87-97(中科院2区TOP).

13. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Recovery of copper and the deportment of other base metals from alkaline glycine leachates derived from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs), Hydrometallurgy, 2021, 199: 105540.

14. Elsayed Oraby; Huan Li; Jacques Eksteen; An alkaline glycine-based leach process of base and precious metals from powdered waste printed circuit boards. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020, 11(8): 3897-3909.

15. Huan Li; Elsayed Oraby; Jacques Eksteen; Extraction of copper and the co-leaching behaviour of other metals from waste printed circuit boards using alkaline glycine solutions, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2020, 154: 104624(中科院1区TOP).

16. Huan Li; Jacques Eksteen; Ge Kuang; Recovery of lithium from mineral resources: State-of-the-art and perspectives – A review, Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 189: 105129.

17. Huan Li; Jacques Eksteen; Elsayed Oraby; Hydrometallurgical recovery of metals from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs): Current status and perspectives: A review, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018, 139: 122-139(中科院1区TOP).

18. Ge Kuang; Yu Liu; Huan Li; Shengzhou Xing; Fujie Li; Hui Guo; Extraction of lithium from β-spodumene using sodium sulfate solution, Hydrometallurgy, 2018, 177: 49-56.

19. Huan Li; Shengzhou Xing; Yu Liu; Fujie Li; Hui Guo; Ge Kuang; Recovery of Lithium, Iron, and Phosphorus from Spent LiFePO4 Batteries Using Stoichiometric Sulfuric Acid Leaching System, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2017, 5(9): 8017–8024(中科院1区TOP,ESI高被引).

20. Huan Li; Ge Kuang; Song Hu; Hui Guo; Ran Jin; Rohit L. Vekariya; Removal of aluminum from leaching solution of lepidolite by adding ammonium. JOM, 2016, 68(10): 2653-2658.

21. Ge Kuang; Huan Li; Song Hu; Ran Jin; Shanjun Liu; Hui Guo; Recovery of aluminium and lithium from gypsum residue obtained in the process of lithium extraction from lepidolite. Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 157: 214-218.